Over 17 thousand unaccompanied minors arrived in Italy in 2016. These are vulnerable children and young people who, to be protected, need an adult who can accompany them and legally represent them in administrative tasks.

For this reason, the Fo.Co, which coordinates the Centro Mediterraneo di Studi e Formazione Giorgio La Pira of Pozzallo, promotes a project in Sicily to sensitize, to inform and to train 300 volunteer tutors for unaccompanied minors.


The project "Voluntary tutors for unaccompanied foreign minors: awareness-raising and training courses and setting up of a network of volunteer tutors", promoted by the Mediterranean Center in collaboration with ASGI and Fondazione Migrantes, was created to contribute to the creation of a network of voluntary tutors with awareness-raising actions and to provide training courses on the tasks of the Guardian and on the initiation of procedures for supporting minors. 


All the information on the project can be found on the site of the Mediterranean Center by clicking on the link below:

Progetto tutori volontari per MSNA

To consult the project page on the "Free to stay, free to leave" campaign site, click on the link below:


Link del progetto sul sito della campagna "Liberi di restare, liberi di partire"